In this episode of “Shut Up & Drive”, The Car Chick discusses the danger of having burnt out brake lights. In this case, the SUV driving in front of her through downtownRead More…
Buying and Selling Cars Online: Five Tips for Avoiding Internet Scams
The internet can be a wonderful tool for buying and selling automobiles. You can shop for thousands of new and pre-owned vehicles, 24 hours a day, from the comfort and convenience ofRead More…
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 16: Low Tire Pressures
In this episode of “Shut Up & Drive”, The Car Chick talks about the dangers of tire pressure shrinkage in cold weather, and what to do to prevent low tire pressures.
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 15: Hella Flush Honda
In this episode of “Shut Up & Drive”, The Car Chick questions the sanity of people (mostly young men) who “slam” their cars and add a ton of negative camber to achieveRead More…
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 14: Doing Your Makeup While Driving
In this episode of Shut Up & Drive, The Car Chick talks about (and catches on the Maggie Cam) people in rush hour traffic who are doing things other than driving. LikeRead More…
The Car Chick on Fox46 “Good Day Charlotte” – Preparing Your Car for a Holiday Roadtrip
The Car Chick talks with Chuck Rhodes on Fox 46’s Good Day Charlotte morning show about how to prepare your car for that holiday roadtrip.
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 13 – Smoking In Your Car
In this episode of Shut Up & Drive, The Car Chick talks about the MANY reasons why you shouldn’t smoke in your car. Not the least of which is the risk ofRead More…
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 12 – Passed By a Prius
In this episode of Shut Up & Drive, The Car Chick actually gets passed by a Prius on the freeway at 85mph. Oh, the shame…
Shut Up & Drive, Episode 11 – RubberNecking
In this episode of Shut Up & Drive, The Car Chick warns about the dangers of “rubber necking”, not to mention how stupid it is.
2017 Charlotte International Auto Show Review
It’s not easy to check out all 400+ cars, trucks, SUVs and minivans at the Charlotte International Auto Show each year. I focus my review on the most exciting, brand new modelsRead More…